A recent study by the Arcview Market Research found that the global medical cannabis market is expected to reach $27 billion by 2026.

A recent study by the Arcview Market Research found that the global medical cannabis market is expected to reach $27 billion by 2026.The global medical cannabis market is projected to reach $27 billion by 2026, according to a recent study by Arcview Market Research. This represents a significant increase from the estimated $13.9 billion in 2021. The growth of the market is being driven by a number of factors, including:

  • Increased awareness of the potential benefits of medical cannabis.
  • More research suggesting that medical cannabis is effective in treating a variety of medical conditions.
  • The legalization of medical cannabis in more countries.

As the market grows, it is expected to create numerous employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth in various sectors.

According to a recent study by the Arcview Market Research, the global medical cannabis market is projected to reach $27 billion by 20261. This growth is driven by increased awareness of the potential benefits of medical cannabis, more research suggesting its effectiveness in treating various medical conditions, and the legalization of medical cannabis in more states and countries.

Here are some additional insights from the Arcview Market Research study:

  • North America is expected to be the largest market for medical cannabis, with an estimated $17.2 billion in sales by 2026.
  • Europe is expected to be the second-largest market, with an estimated $6.5 billion in sales by 2026.
  • The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.13% from 2023 to 2026.
  • “Global Medical Cannabis Market to Reach $27 Billion by 2026 – Arcview Market Research” (July 2023)

Learn more:

1. globenewswire.com2. arcviewgroup.com3. expertmarketresearch.com4. globenewswire.com5. globenewswire.com

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